"Four Essentials of Good Management:
- Get the right people.
- Match them to the right jobs.
- Keep them motivated.
- Help their teams to jell and stay jelled.

All the rest is Administivia."





Code Tech Area Details Level English Current Location Interest #1 Interest #2 Monthly, USD Hourly, USD
AND-001 Android Android SDK, Java Core, MVC, MVP, MVVM, Xamarin.Android Senior Upper Ukraine Remote Warm EU countries 4000 25
AND-002 Android Android SDK, Android NDK(basic), Java Core, Design Patterns, MVP, C/C++(basic), C#(basic), PHP, SQL Senior Inter Ukraine Remote Remote with trips 4200 negotiable
AND-003 Android Android SDK, Java Core, MVP, DI, RxJava Senior Upper Ukraine US office na negotiable ---
AND-004 Android Android SDK, Android NDK, Java Core, C++ (medium) Senior Upper Romania Remote na 4000 25
AND-005 Android Java SE, Android SDK, Design patterns, Unit testing, Java EE (basic: Spring, Hibernate, advanced: MongoDB, Dropwizard), basic JS Senior Upper
+ German (Upper)
Ukraine Germany Netherlands Austria Denmark Ireland Norway Sweden Finland 4000 (negotiable) 25
AND-006 Android / iOS Full Cycle Dev Lead Upper Ukraine Various options Remote 4000 30
C++001 C++ C++, MongoDB, Qt, Cocos2d-x Middle+
Upper Ukraine US, UK, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand European Union, Australia 2000 15
CTO-001 CTO Java, Python, PHP, JS, Objective-C CTO Upper Ukraine US, California (H1B only) Remote 8000+ 55
CTO-002 CTO PHP, Javascript, Python, Meteor, C++ CTO Upper Ukraine Australia, New Zealand (immigration visa needed) US (H1B) 8000+ ---
CTO-003 CTO 15+ Java. JEE technologies: EJB, JDBC, JNDI, JMS. SOA (ESB, SOAP and RESRful services) JPA, Spring. CTO Inter+ Ukraine USA, UK, Netherlands, Germany South countries 4000+ ---
CTO-004 CTO Web Development (12+), iOS apps (5+), Front-End CTO Upper Colombia US / EU Remote 6000+ 45
CTO-005 CTO Kubernetes, Docker, Vagrant, Swagger, CoreOS, Java, Spring, Android, .NET MVC, MEAN Stack, DB architect, Continuous Integration, DevOps, Requirements, Business Analysis Java Architect, Tech Manager Upper Macedonia UK Sweden Norway Denmark Spain Germany Finland US Canada Project / product type: Mobile Solutions, Big Data
Position: Architect+
negotiable determined by country, position, responsibilities, extras etc ---
CTO-006 CTO Finances, Microservices, DDD, IoT, Java, JS CTO, Architect Upper Bulgaria Remote ---- negotiable 55
CTO-007 CTO Python, Django, C++, MongoDB, noSQL, Algorithms & Data Structures CEO, CTO Upper Ukraine EU: Netherlands, UK, Germany, Sweden US 6000+ ---
CTO-008 CTO Docker, Python, PHP, Java (a bit), Virtualization, Shell, Hadoop, DWH, Automation, Nginx, Postgre, MySQL, HA/Scale, SaltStack, Fabric, Cloud, Linux Technical Lead Upper Ukraine Relocate, Startups, Python and GoLang Projects Remote 4000 25
DES-001 Design Front-End Senior Upper Panama US European Union 2500 20-25
DES-002 Design UI/UX, screen flows, architecture, wireframes, mockups, visual style, prototyping, pixel/ vector icon design, Logo Brand, Mobile & Web Brand Senior Upper Belarus Various interesting Remote 3000 20
DES-003 Design Design (UI/UX, product, graphic) with PM experience Senior Upper Ukraine well known product companies US, SF relocate with family or remote 6000+ 40+
DES-004 Design UI/UX, Web Design, Illustration Junior Inter Ukraine Office in Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk Various interesting options 900 8
DES-005 Design Illustration, UI,UX Graphic and Web Design, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Axure, InVision Middle+ Pre-Inter Ukraine Lviv, Remote, Ukraine Abroad propositions 600+ 5-10 negotiable
DES-006 Design Photoshop, Fireworks, Illustrator, Sketch, Axure, Uxpin, Invision, Balsamiq, Mockups Senior Inter- Ukraine Various abroad interesting options Remote, Lviv office 2500 15
DES-017 Design Photoshop, Illustrator, Axure, CorewDraw Middle Pre-Inter / Inter Ukraine UAE, Switzerland, EU offers Ukraine, Lviv: office, remote 1300 negotiable negotiable
DES-018 Design Adobe Illustrator; Adobe InDesign; Axure, UX Design Junior / Middle Pre-Inter / Inter Ukraine Ukraine, Kyiv, Lviv office Various interesting offers 600+ negotiable
DEVOP-001 DevOps Docker, Python, PHP, Java (a bit), Virtualization, Shell, Hadoop, DWH, Automation, Nginx, Postgre, MySQL, HA/Scale, SaltStack, Fabric, Cloud, Linux DevOps / System Engineer Upper Ukraine Relocate, Startups, Python and GoLang Projects Remote 3000+ 25
EXC-001 Excel Java, AngularJS (Middle), VBA, Visual Basic Senior Advanced Ukraine Remote only na 2000+ 12-15
EXC-002 Excel VBA, Visual Basic, MS Excel Middle Middle Ukraine International business from US/EU Kyiv 1000 10
EXC-003 Excel VBA, MS Access, PHP, JavaScript, SQL, MS Excel, MySQL Senior Advanced Ukraine Remote, part-time, hourly Various interesting options 2500 14-15
EXC-004 Excel VBA, Access, Excel, Word, Outlook. Google Script 4 GoogleDocs
Performing Quality Analysis with data validation
Senior Inter Ukraine Remote, part-time, hourly Various interesting options negotiable negotiable
FE-001 Front-End Backbone.js/Marionette.js, ReactJS, Bootstrap Senior Upper Russia Remote EU and US 3800 23-25
FE-002 Front-End ReactJS, Flux, EcmaScript, node js Senior Upper Belarus South EU countries Netherlands 3500 20-25
FE-003 Front-End HTML5/CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, JADE, Stylus, CoffeeScript, Bootstrap, Angular (initial level), Git, Photoshop, Illustrator Junior-Middle Upper Ukraine Kyiv, Ukraine Canada / Australia 900 7-10
FE-004 Front-End Backbone.js, Marionette.js, Angular.JS, node.js Senior Upper US US office US remote negotiable negotiable
FE-005 Front-End Javascript, NodeJS, ExpressJS, AngularJS, ReactJS, Gulp, Grunt, MongoDB, GIT, NPM, Bower, EC2, S3, Jasmine Senior Upper Hungary Сomplex apps in JS Remote, USA, EU, Asia negotiable 25
FE-006 Front-End HTML5/CSS3, Vanilla JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJs, Bootstrap, D3Js, Yeoman, Bower, Grunt/Gulp, Git, Photoshop, Fireworks Senior Upper Italy Remote EU or Worldwide negotiable ---
FE-007 Front-End RoR, Ionic, Google Angular Material, Compass/Sass, PS, HTML/CSS, Responsive Design Middle+ Inter Ukraine Australia, New Zeland Remote 3000+ 23-25
FE-008 Front-End HTML CSS SASS LESS Bootstrap,
JQuery, Jade, Haml, Handlebars, Gulp, Grunt, Responsive Design
Middle Middle Ukraine Various: EU, English speaking Remote 2000 13-16
FE-009 Front-End BackboneJs, AngularJs, CanJs, RequireJS, StealJs Senior Inter Ukraine Warm (exotic) countries Remote 3500 20-25
FE-010 Front-End AngularJS, Backbone, Backbone Marionette, React, Jasmine, Less, Grunt, Gulp Senior Upper Russia US / China Remote with trips 3000+ 20
FE-011 Front-End AngularJs (1/2), Ionic Framework, JS, jQuery, Jade, Sass, html5, css3, Gulp, Webpack, npm, bower, Responsive Design, Photoshop Senior Inter+ Russia New York, US, Canada, EU Remote 3000+ 20
FE-012 Front-End Full Stack, html5, css3, javascript, jQuery, Node.js, MongoDB, ElasticSearch, C#, PHP, MySQL, rapid prototyping, responsive layouts Senior Inter+ Italy Warm places everywhere Europe (higher fee), Remote 3500+ 22-25, negotiable
FE-014 Front-End AngularJS Middle Advanced Ukraine Remote only na 2000 12-15
FE-015 Front-End AngularJs, jQuery, native JavaScript, ReactJS, NodeJs Middle+ Inter Russia Various offers in EU: Finland, Sweden, Norway, etc US, Canada, Remote 2800 20-25
FE-016 Front-End JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, NodeJS, CoffeeScript, Meteor Express Angular Cordova Hapi React Ember, MongoDB CouchDB, OpenShift Heroku Senior Inter+ Russia Various interesting offers in EU US, Canada, Remote 3000+ negotiable 20-25 negotiable
FE-017 Front-End JS, HTML, CSS, SASS, PostCSS, Gulp, Grunt, Jade, Handlebarsjs, Angular, Backbone, Lo-dash, Bootstrap, jQuery, SVG, Canvas, Backbone.js, Coffee, ECMAscript 6 Senior Inter Russia Various interesting offers in EU US, Canada, Remote 3000+ negotiable 20-25 negotiable
FULL-001 Full Stack JavaScript, Angular, NodeJS, MongoDB NoSQL, Ruby on Rails, TDD, Linux, REST API Senior Upper Colombia Latin America, Canada Europe 4000 negotiable
FULL-002 Full Stack Web development: Python PHP JS, MongoDB PostgreSQL, Linux, TDD, REST API Senior Upper Argentina Remote Europe 4800 30
FULL-003 Full Stack Ruby, rails, emberjs, golang, postgresql Senior Upper Ukraine Remote Kharkiv 4500 30
FULL-004 Full Stack Javascript, NodeJS, ExpressJS, AngularJS, ReactJS, Gulp, Grunt, MongoDB, GIT, NPM, Bower, EC2, S3, Jasmine Senior Upper Hungary Сomplex apps in JS Remote, USA, EU, Asia negotiable 25
FULL-005 Full Stack PHP5, MySQL (expert), PostgreSQL, Symfony2 (expert), Laravel5, Yii1., Javascript, BackboneJS, AngularJS, JQuery Senior Upper Ukraine temporarily does not consider new opportunities temporarily does not consider new opportunities negotiable 25
FULL-006 Full Stack PHP (Laravel, Symfony, Zend, Yii, CodeIgniter), MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery Senior Upper / Advanced Serbia Remote Various interesting options 4000+ 25+
FULL-007 Full Stack JS/NodeJS, PHP
C#, Unity + GameDev
Senior Upper Montenegro Canada, Australia Remote, Relocate negotiable negotiable
FULL-009 Full Stack MEAN Stack (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node), Backbone, Java (Spring, Struts, Wicket, JPA, Hibernate), Tomcat, MySQL, Postgres Architect, Team Lead Upper Argentina Remote Remote with trips 6000 40
FULL-010 Full Stack Html5, css3, javascript, jQuery, Node.js, MongoDB, ElasticSearch, C#, PHP, MySQL, rapid prototyping, responsive layouts Senior Inter+ Italy Warm places everywhere Europe (higher fee), Remote 3500+ 22-25, negotiable
FULL-011 Full Stack PHP, Python, MySQL, Redis, MongoDB, HTML5, CSS3, XML, Bootstrap, Gulp, AngularJS, Javascript, Ajax, jQuery, Node.js, Laravel, Symfony Senior Advanced Brazil English speaking locations - office full-time na negotiable na
iOS-001 iOS Full Cycle Dev Lead Upper Ukraine Remote (especially Python/Mobile) US (H1B) / EU 4000+ 25
iOS-002 iOS Full Cycle Dev Senior Upper Ukraine Switzerland / UK (London) US, Australia, Singapore 4500 35
iOS-003 iOS Swift, Objective-C, Java (Andorid, SE) - (Business app not game) Senior / Lead Upper Russia Remote Remote with trips 3500-4000 ---
iOS-004 iOS / Android Full Cycle Dev Lead Upper Ukraine Various options Remote 4000 30
iOS-005 iOS Objective-C (4.5+); SQL (DB/DWH; 12+); SCALA Senior Upper Ukraine Various options Remote 3300+ 30
iOS-007 iOS Objective-C , Full cycle iOS/Mac development, JavaScript, Design Senior Inter+ Ukraine EU (except Netherlands, Denmark) US, Canada 3500 negotiable negotiable
iOS-008 iOS Objective-C , C, C++, C#, .NET, some (PHP, JS, Swift) Middle+ Upper Slovakia Remote various propositions Slovakia, Vienna part-time office 2800 negotiable 20-25 negotiable
iOS-012 iOS Full Cycle Dev, Ruby On Rails, Java, has experience with Android (Scala). Interested in FP: Scala, Clojure, Haskell Senior Upper Ukraine Remote only Functional programming 3500 (negotiable) 25
ITA-001 Admin IT Admin Management, Windows 2012 Servers, Active Directory, 1C Admin, Backup Keeping, Access Control IT Admin Lead / Senior, Manager Inter+ Ukraine Lviv, Kyiv, various interesting propositions Abroad propositions 500+ negotiable
ITA-002 Oracle Oracle 11g R2, 10g, Firebird 2.0, PL/SQL, Toad,
Apex 3.0/ 4.0, SQL Plus,
Fast Report
ERWin Data Modeler, Redmine, Mantis Bug Tracker
Middle++ Inter Ukraine Poland, Holland, Germany, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Austria, Czech Republic Various options in Kyiv, Lviv
Web, Database projects
1700+ negotiable ---
JAV-001 Java Kubernetes, Docker, Vagrant, Swagger, CoreOS, Java, Spring, Android, .NET MVC, MEAN Stack, DB architect, Continuous Integration, DevOps, Requirements, Business Analysis Java Architect, Lead Upper Macedonia UK Sweden Norway Denmark Spain Germany Finland US Canada Project / product type: Mobile Solutions, Big Data
Position: Architect+
negotiable determined by country, position, responsibilities, extras etc ---
JAV-002 Java High Load, Java SE/EE, Spring, Hibernate, REST API, Servlet containers, Play!, jUnit, Mockito, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Liferay Portal Senior Upper Spain Remote only na 4000 25-30
JAV-003 Java 10+ years in full-stack Java enterprise development (Java SE, JEE, Spring) Senior Upper Germany Remote part time only --- --- 30-35
JAV-004 Java Excel, AngularJS (Middle) Middle Advanced Ukraine Remote only na 2000 15
JAV-005 Java MEAN Stack (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node), Backbone, Java (Spring, Struts, Wicket, JPA, Hibernate), Tomcat, MySQL, Postgres Architect, Team Lead Upper Argentina Remote Remote with trips 6000 40
JAV-006 Java High Load, Java, Spring, JPA, Hibernate, AWS, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Cassandra, Redis, Mongo, ElasticSearch, RabbitMQ Senior Upper Belarus Remote Remote with travel 4000 25
JAV-007 Java Back-end, Android, High Load, Profiling, RnD, Gaming MMO, Finance, Stock Markets, Ticket's Booking, Bookmaking Senior Upper Poland Remote EU: POL GER NED AUT BEL UK SUI 4000 (negotiable) 20+
JAV-010 Java Java (Spring, Hibernate ORM, JPA, Junit, JSF, Primefaces, JS, JQuery, Ajax) , Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL Continuous Integration, SVN, Apache Tomcat, JBoss EAP, BA, RUP, SCRUM, PMI Senior / Lead Inter+ Peru Remote US, South America Contries 3000+ 20+
JAV-011 Java Teacher Senior Upper Brazil Remote EU na na
JAV-012 Java JavaSE/EE, REST, Spring, SQL, Mahout, JNI, UI Senior Upper Ukraine Remote only --- 4000 25-30
JAV-015 Java Java, Scala, Hadoop Senior Upper Russia Various options Remote 4000+ 30
JAV-017 Java 15+ Java. CTO experience. JEE technologies: EJB, JDBC, JNDI, JMS. SOA (ESB, SOAP and RESRful services) JPA, Spring. Lead Inter+ Ukraine USA, UK, Netherlands, Germany South Countries 4000 ---
JAV-020 Java J2EE, Oracle SQL, JavaScript, Ajax, Spring MVC, JPA, Spring Security, Hibernate ORM, jQuery, AngularJS, MongoDB Middle Upper Ukraine Remote only (2-3 hours per day) na na 15
JAV-021 Java Java EE, Spring, MySQL, Hibernate, DevOps experience, Selenium, SysAdmin Junior+ Inter Ukraine Kyiv, office, outsource, startup Kyiv, remote 500+ negotiable
PHP-001 PHP Full Stack
PHP (Laravel, Symfony, Zend, Yii, CodeIgniter), MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery
Senior Upper / Advanced Serbia Remote Various interesting options 4000+ 25+
PHP-002 PHP Magento, PHP, MySql, JavaScript Senior Upper Ukraine US, warm climate countries Remote 3000 20
PHP-003 PHP Full stack, GameDev JS/NodeJS, PHP
C#, Unity
Senior Upper Montenegro Canada, Australia Remote, Relocate negotiable negotiable
PHP-004 PHP Native PHP, MySQL, JS, JQuery Middle Inter Ukraine European Union Abroad propositions 1500 na
PHP-005 PHP PHP5, MVC (Yii, Laravel, ZF, Lithium Framework), HTML, CSS, MySQL, MongoDB, JS, JQuery, Scrum, Continuous Integration, Git, SVN Middle Upper / Advanced Russia Remote EU negotiable 13
PHP-006 PHP PHP5, MySQL (expert), PostgreSQL, Symfony2 (expert), Laravel5, Yii1., Javascript, BackboneJS, AngularJS, JQuery Senior Upper Ukraine Remote Central Europe negotiable 25
PHP-007 PHP PHP, Python, Zend / Kohana Framework, Linux, Apache , Nginx, MySql, Javascript , HTML, XHTML, CSS, GIT, SVN, RESTful services Middle+ Upper Ukraine European Union Various EU offers 2000+ negotiable
PHP-010 PHP PHP, Python, MySQL, Redis, MongoDB, HTML5, CSS3, XML, Bootstrap, Gulp, AngularJS, Javascript, Ajax, jQuery, Node.js, Laravel, Symfony Senior Advanced Brazil English speaking locations - office full-time na negotiable na
PHP-011 PHP PHP, Yii, Java: Play2, Zkoss, MySQL Middle Pre-Inter Ukraine Ukraine office, Kyiv European Union 1500 negotiable
PHP-012 PHP PHP, Yii, PotsgreSQL Middle+ Pre-Inter Poland EU, Poland, Ukraine, office Remote 1600-2000 12+
PHP-014 PHP PHP, Drupal, Moodle, Joomla. Magento, CI Senior Inter India Various interesting offers in EU US, UK, Canada negotiable ---
PHP-015 PHP PHP 5.0, MySQL, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Angular Middle Upper India - Poland Relocation to EU Relocation to visa granted states negotiable negotiable
PM-002 Product Management Mobile consumer apps from ideation to launch Lead Advanced Germany na Remote only na 30
PM-003 Project Management Test automation web / mobile, Python, Django, Tornado, Celery, Apium, Selenium Webdriver, Robotium, Espresso, Java EE Senior / Middle+ Upper Russia European Union, Test automation web / mobile Remote, High-load backend with distributed architecture / microservices 2500+ negotiable 15+ negotiable
PM-004 Project Management Agile, Scrum, Waterfall, Kanban, Jira, Java, Readmine, C++, Object Pascal Senior / Middle+ Upper Ukraine Ukraine, office, remote, Big Data, Machine Learning Various interesting options 2000+ 12-15
PM-005 Project Management Trello, Bitrix24, Readmine, Jira Junior + / Middle Inter Ukraine Ukraine, office, remote Various interesting options 400+ 5
PM-006 Project Management Agile (Scrum), RUP, Waterfall, Windows, Linux, Dia, MS Project, OpenProj, xPlanner, Confluence, Tortoise SVN, Subversion, MySQL, Jira, Celoxis, FrogBugz, SQL, HTML CSS JS, Pascal, Visual Basic, VBA Senior / Middle+ Upper Ukraine, Donetsk Office, Remote Various Interesting options 1800+ 10-15
PM-007 Project Management Project / IT Management, Web and IT admin, People Management Middle Inter+ Ukraine Lviv, Kyiv, various interesting propositions Abroad propositions 400+ negotiable
PM-008 Project Management Agile (Scrum), Jira, Git, Kanban, Waterfall, QA Automated (Java) Middle Upper Ukraine Lviv, Kyiv, Odessa (remote, part-time) Abroad propositions, various interesting 750 negotiable
PM-009 Project Management Risk Management, Business Analysis, Team Management, Business Development Middle Inter+ Ukraine Ukraine office, outsourcing and product companies Various interesting options in EU 700 negotiable ---
PM-010 Project Management C#, VB.NET, .NET, ASP.NET (Webforms), SQL (MySQL, MsSQL), HTML, XML
VBA, JavaScript/JQuery good, CSS, Direct3D, OpenGl, C++
Senior Upper Ukraine Various interesting offers in EU Ukraine, Remote 2000+ negotiable 15 negotiable
PM-011 Project Management client / team management, overall testing / version control systems understanding; mentoring, html, css, c# Junior-Middle Inter+ Ukraine Ukraine, Lviv office Various interesting options 300-400 negotiable
PM-012 Project Management client / team management, QA cycle, JIRA, InDesign, Photoshop, Basics of MySQL5, HTML5, CSS Junior Inter Ukraine Ukraine, Lviv office Various interesting options 200-300 negotiable
PM-014 Project Management Knowledge of PM life-cycle (Agile, Scrum, Kanban)
Basics in Apache, MySQL, PHP, HTML, CSS
Junior Upper Ukraine Ukraine, office Various interesting options 300 negotiable
PYT-001 Python Python, Django, C++, MongoDB, noSQL, Algorithms & Data Structures Lead / Senior Upper Ukraine EU: Netherlands, UK, Germany, Sweden US 5000+ ---
PYT-007 Python Python, Django, Tastypie, Django Rest Framework, Elasticsearch, Heroku, Celery, RabbitMQ, PubNub Senior Upper + Native Spanish Argentina Remote only na na 40
PYT-009 Python Python, Django, adrduino, raspberry pi, Linux Middle Basic Ukraine Remote, Office back-end only Electrical Engineering 1500 15
QA-001 QA Automated Middle+ Inter+ Ukraine Warm countries Open to interesting offers 2500 na
QA-003 QA Mobile Manual Quality Assurance, partly automation Senior Upper Ukraine Germany Spain 3000 na
QA-006 QA Manual, Automated: Selenium, Java, JS, Protractor, git, test documentation, Agile, TestNG, Selenium grid, Android, iOS, Robotium Middle-Senior Upper Russia Remote Remote with trips 2500+ 15-20
QA-007 QA Test automation web / mobile, Python, Django, Tornado, Celery, Apium, Selenium Webdriver, Robotium, Espresso, Java EE Senior Upper Russia European Union, Test automation web / mobile Remote, High-load backend with distributed architecture / microservices 2500 15
QA-008 QA Automated (Java, Javascript, selenium, c#, linux, maven, git, angularjs, jmeter, gatling) Senior Upper US Remote EU countries negotiable negotiable
QA-009 QA Automated Testing,
Machine Learning, Data Science, Python, Performance Testing, REST, Java, Stability and Load Testing, MongoDB, Redis, LoadRunner
Senior Upper+ / Fluent Ukraine Remote
Machine Learning, Data Science, Python Development
Amsterdam, Netherlands 3000 25
QA-010 QA test doc preparation,
web, DB, SQL, ETL, Linux, Selenium (basic)
Project Management,
test estimation, reporting
QA process set up, Agile, Scrum, waterfall
Team Lead English Upper, French Upper, German Pre-Inter Ukraine Kyiv, Ukraine France, Switzerland, Cyprus, Montenegro 3600+ negotiable 25
QA-011 QA VoIP, mobile apps, web, api testing, SAAS, SIP, scope / resources planning, strategy developing, team leading, SQL Senior Upper Russia US, UK, Germany, Finland Italy, Spain, Greece, warm countries negotiable 15-20
QA-014 QA test doc creation,
web & mobile testing,
Project Management,
test estimation,
requirment analysis
Senior / Lead Inter+ Ukraine US (H1B) Canada Norway Sweden Finland Denmark 4000+ 30
QA-016 QA / QC Manual testing, creation of test documentation HTML, CSS, SQL, automated testing (java + basic WebDriver), Agile Junior-Middle Inter Ukraine Various options in Ukraine Various options in Ukraine 1000 10
QA-017 QA PM experience: Agile, Scrum. Automated: Java, Selenium, Test NG, Maven, UI Mobile, JMeter Senior Upper Ukraine Remote US (H1B), Norway 2500-3000+ negotiable negotiable
QA-018 QA Manual testing, Mobile (iOS, Android), Desktop (Windows, MacOS), server apps, BDD, Unix, SQL, XML, HTTP, HTML, Test documentation Senior Upper Ukraine Ready to relocate, negotiable Ukraine, Kyiv 2500-3000 ---
QA-019 QA Senior Manual: mobile, desktop, web.
Jun-Mid Automation: Junit, Test NG, maven, IJ IDEA
Senior Upper Ukraine US / Canada Netherlands, UK, Germany, Switzerland negotiable 25
QA-020 QA client / team management, overall testing / version control systems understanding; mentoring, html, css, c# Junior-Middle Inter+ Ukraine Ukraine, Lviv office Various interesting options 300-400 negotiable
ROR-002 Ruby on Rails Ruby, rails, emberjs, golang, postgresql Senior Upper Ukraine Remote Kharkiv 4500 30
ROR-003 Ruby on Rails Ruby, bash scripting, RoR Junior+ Inter Ukraine Remote Ukraine in office 1000+ 5-10
ROR-004 Ruby on Rails Ruby, Ruby on Rails
Ecmascript6, Node.js
Angular Material, Bootstrap
AngularJS, jQuery, Javascript
Postgresql, MySQL
Senior Inter+ Russia Remote full-time Remote part-time 4000+ 35-50
SHARE-001 SharePoint Microsoft SharePoint technologies Middle Inter+ Ukraine Remote Ukraine office 1500+ negotiable 10-20 negotiable
VBA-001 VBA Java, AngularJS (Middle), VBA, Visual Basic Senior Advanced Ukraine Remote only na 2000+ 12-15
VBA-003 VBA MS Access, Visual Basic, PHP, JavaScript, SQL, MS Excel, MySQL Senior Advanced Ukraine Remote, part-time, hourly Various interesting options 2500 14-15
VBA-004 VBA Visual Basic, Access, Excel, Word, Outlook. Google Script 4 GoogleDocs
Performing Quality Analysis with data validation
Senior Inter Ukraine Remote, part-time, hourly Various interesting options negotiable negotiable